Funding, exhibition, career, and other opportunities available to Visual Art students. Please subscribe to our e-newsletter via the main page for the latest!
Clubs & Exhibition Opportunities
- Kansas Union Gallery Page & Submission Process
- KU VA Off-Site Art Space
- Ceramics Club IG
- Expanded Media FB
- Metalsmithing/Jewelry Club IG
- Printmaking Club IG
- Painting Club IG
- Textiles/Fibers Club IG
- Black Creatives Collective IG
- KU Photography Program IG
- Jayhawk Photography Group (JPG) IG
- Kiosk: KU Art & Lit Magazine IG
Summer 2023 Research Awards
Deadline Extended! | Due Wednesday, April 26th, 2023
Call for Visual Art summer research awards. Returning undergraduate and graduate Visual Art majors are eligible to apply. Students must have a 3.0 minimum KU overall GPA for graduate students, and 3.0 minimum major GPA for undergraduate students. These awards are intended to support studio / artistic practice over the summer.
Applications are due Wednesday, April 26th at 5:00pm (CST). Please email your application to visualart@ku.edu.
Proposals can include projects that support research / creative practice, materials, workshops, travel, internships, etc. The awards are given on the basis of merit and quality of the submitted professionaldevelopment proposal and accompanying budget proposal, applicant’s academic record, creative work, and résumé.
Please send a single PDF with information in the order below.
- A two-page proposal that includes timeline for your project.
- A one-page budget sheet that includes details about how the requested funds will be spent.
- 10 images of recent work, including image information
- Resume (two-page limit)
- A copy of your DPR (Degree Progress Report). Please only include the “ADVISING REPORT” section of your DPR.
- Significance of the proposed activity: What is the importance of the project? How will this project aid the applicant in their creative development?
- Quality and clarity of the proposal: Are the objectives clearly stated? Does the proposal reflect adequate knowledge of relevant background to successfully complete the proposal? Does the proposal clearly describe the methods to be used? Is there a reasonable likelihood of successful completion of the project in the time, budget, and methods you will use?
- Qualifications of the Applicant: Do the submitted materials, such as the images of works, artist statement, and resume, show clear and consistent engagement with the applicant’s creative activities and course work.