Liz Langdon

- Associate Teaching Professor in Art Education
Contact Info
1467 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Professor Langdon completed her Ph.D. in art education from the University of North Texas. Her master’s degree in art education is from the University of Nebraska Lincoln and her undergraduate degrees in fine arts and education are from University of Nebraska Omaha. She had careers as a K-12 art educator, museum educator and studio artist in Omaha. She has multiple works of public art throughout the Omaha area and in private collections, some of which are community collaborations, including The Rose Theater, Bryant Center mural, Dodge Park, Children’s Hospital. Her research interests in art education include intergenerational and place-based learning, community-based art, indigenous knowledges and in-service and pre-service teacher preparation. She is the past-chair of the National Art Education Association’s Lifelong Learning interest group and the recipient of the Murray Greenberg Award for Emerging Scholars. Her scholarly publications are included in Trends: Texas Journal of Art Education, Teaching Artist Journal, International Journal of Lifelong Learning of Art Education, International Society of Education in Art (InSEA) 2019 Congress Proceedings and in the 2024 publication “Art Education and Creative Aging: Older Adults as Learners, Makers and Teachers of Art"