
Ceramics at the University of Kansas
Learn to handbuild, throw, slip cast and make molds. Specialized surfaces, like earthenware low temperature majolica, decals, as well as stoneware and porcelain high temperature glazes and atmospheric firings, like gas reduction, salt, and wood are taught as fundamental elements of the curriculum. Both contemporary and historical ceramic and art history is incorporated in studio classes as well as regular group and individual critiques. Advanced classes are not project based allowing students to focus their work and personal explorations while maintaining a vital interactive studio experience with fellow students and faculty with scheduled critiques, readings, discussions, visiting artists and slide lectures. Courses in kilns and clay and glaze formulation broaden student knowledge.
- Sixteen Brent CXC electric wheels
- Three motorized kick wheels
- Leach Style Treadle Wheel
- Bailey slab roller
- Color Decal printer and computer
- 10 Semi-Private undergraduate major studios
- Private Graduate Studios
- Two Soldner mixers
- 3 De-airing Pug Mills
- Dry Clay stockroom
- Slipomatic casting slip mixer
- Large Vacuum Chamber
- Dedicated Plaster Tools
- Dedicated Glaze Lab
- Ball mill
- Blunger
- 4 Geil Gas Kilns 6 to 82 Cu.ft.
- Five electric kilns
- Dedicated crystalline glaze kiln
- Two electric test kilns
- 4 cu. ft. test gas downdraft kiln
- Counter balanced raku kiln
- 6,000 square foot kiln shed
- 40 cu. ft. soda/wood/gas hybrid downdraft kiln
- 72 cu.ft. train kiln
- 450 cu. ft. anagama kiln
- 130 cu. ft. wood/salt noborigama kiln
- 54 cu. ft. Geil Car Kiln
- supplies and space for experimental firing

Student Amanda Dickie works on a abstract clay form in the Ceramics Studio.
Professor Marshall Maude leads a large scale wood firing at the Chamey Barn Kiln Complex.

Professor Sarah Gross helps a student on a pottery wheel.

Interdisciplinary Ceramic Research Center
The Interdisciplinary Ceramic Research Center (ICRC) is a new laboratory for individuals and teams across disciplines to experiment with traditional and cutting-edge approaches to the manipulation of clay.Josh Goering - Local Clay Discovery and its Application in the Ceramic Arts