Keith Van de Riet

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Marvin Studios, room #132
Biography —
Keith Van de Riet joined University of Kansas Architecture in fall of 2015. He received his doctorate in Architectural Sciences from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2012 with a focus in Built Ecologies, a program co-hosted by The Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology and Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, LLP in New York City. Prior to joining KU, he was teaching and conducting research at Florida Atlantic University, with research activities that include collaborative development of coastal structures to promote ecological services alongside urban development. His research experience includes development of engineered-natural structures, simulation and analysis of environmental systems and prototype testing and development. He received his B.Arch from KU in 2004.
Research —
Research interests:
- Engineered-living Systems
- Biomimetic Design
- Coastal Urbanism
- Mangrove Ecosystems
- Constructed Ecologies
- Building and Environment Modeling
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Architectural and Urban Design
- Graphic Representation
- Digital Design and Simulation
- Digital Fabrication
- Engineered-living Systems
- Ecological Architecture
Selected Publications —
Huber, Jeffrey, Keith Van de Riet, John Sandell, and Lawrence Scarpa. 2017. “Salty Urbanism: Towards an Adaptive Coastal Design Framework.” Journal Articles. The Plan 2 (2): 105–30.
Van de Riet, Keith, Jessene Aquino-Thomas, and Pieter Conradie. 2017. “Towards Integration of Habitat Grammars for Biodiverse and Resilient Coastal Structures .” Journal Articles. The Plan 2 (2): 69–85.
Kazemi, Amirkhosro, Keith Van de Riet, and Oscar Curet. 2017. “Hydrodynamics of Mangrove-Type Root Models: The Effect of Porosity, Spacing Ratio and Flexibility.” Journal Articles. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 12 (5).
Vogt, Juliane, Sten Gillner, Mathias Hofmann, Andreas Tharang, Sebastian Dettmann, Tina Gerstenberg, Catrin Schmidt, et al. 2017. “Citree: A Database Supporting Tree Selection for Urban Areas in Temperate Climate.” Journal Articles. Landscape and Urban Planning, no. 157 (January): 14–25.
Van de Riet, Keith. 2017. “Craft in the Digital Era: Louis Sullivan, Digital Technology, and Designbuild Education.” Journal Articles. Oz Journal 39.
Van de Riet, Keith J, and Berger Uta. 2016. Integrated Forest Biometrics for Landscape-Responsive Coastal Urbanism. Conference Proceedings. Edited by Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Martin Tamke, Christoph Gengnagel, Billie Faircloth, and Fabian Scheurer. Design Modelling Symposium 2015: Modelling Behavior. Switzerland: Springer.
Van de Riet, Keith. 2013. Coupling Ecological Productivity with Anthropogenic Waste Streams to Regenerate Coastlines. Conference Proceedings. Conference Proceedings of ACSA Subtropical Cities 2013, Florida Atlantic University, October 17-19, 2013.
Van de Riet, Keith. 2012. “Integrated Design and Modeling of Coupled Mangrove and Urban Ecosystems.” Other. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Van de Riet, Keith, U. Berger, A. Dyson, J. Gowdy, S. Parks, E. Proffitt, M. Zeghal, and J. Vollen. 2011. Multidisciplinary Modeling of Coupled Mangrove and Urban Ecosystems. Conference Proceedings. Conference Proceedings of SubTropical Cities 2011, Florida Atlantic University, March 8-11, 2011.
Vollen, J. O., A. H. Dyson, and Keith Van de Riet. 2010. Investigation of Mangrove Compliant Structural Systems in Association with Human Coastal Development. Conference Proceedings. (RE)Building: Flood Architecture. ACSA Proceedings. March 4-7, 2010.
Selected Presentations —
Van de Riet, K., Rees, J., Downen, J., & Zahner, W. (10/26/2017). Biomorphic Form. International Sculpture Conference. Kansas City, KS
Van de Riet, K. (10/19/2017). Sullivan revisited with digital technologies. American Institute of Architects, Kansas: Evolve. Lawrence, KS
Van de Riet, K. (6/13/2017). Living Systems in Architecture. Lawrence Creates Makerspace Stone Carving Workshop. Lawrence, KS
Van de Riet, K. (2/23/2017). Living Systems in Architecture. KU SADP Research Symposium. Lawrence, KS
Van de Riet, K. (10/29/2016). Reef Walls: Eco-friendly Seawalls. Englewood Ecofest. Englewood, FL
Van de Riet, K. (4/22/2016). Shape Grammar Enhanced Photography for Bio-responsive Structures. KU SADP Research Symposium. Marvin Forum
Van de Riet, K. (3/25/2016). Shape Grammar Enhanced Photography for Bio-responsive Structures. KU Red Hot Research Event. KU Commons
Kazemi, A., Parry, S., Van de Riet, K., & Curet, O. (11/22/2015). The effect of porosity and flexibility on the hydrodynamics behind a mangrove-like root model. 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Boston, Massachusetts
Van de Riet, K. (10/1/2015). Integrated Forest Biometrics for Landscape-Responsive Coastal Urbanism. Design Modelling Symposium 2015: Modelling Behavior. Copenhagen, Denmark
Van de Riet, K. (10/18/2013). Coupling Ecological Productivity with Anthropogenic Waste Streams to Regenerate Coastlines. ACSA Subtropical Cities 2013. Fort Lauderdale
Van de Riet, K. (3/9/2013). Coupled Human and Natural Coastal Systems. Panel Moderator, Resiliency and the Built Environment Colloquium, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy, NY
Van de Riet, K. (3/9/2011). Multidisciplinary Modeling of Coupled Mangrove and Urban Ecosystems. Presentation, SubTropical Cities Conference, Florida Atlantic University. Fort Lauderdale
Van de Riet, K. (3/5/2010). Investigation of mangrove compliant structural systems in association with human coastal development. Presentation, 98th Annual ACSA Meeting: [RE]building: Flood Architecture. New Orleans
Van de Riet, K. (12/31/2010). Interdisciplinary Modeling of a Reinforced Mangrove Shoreline. Presentation, Tulane Engineering Forum, Tulane University. New Orleans
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Advanced fabrication of high-performance passive architectural and landscape systems. University of Kansas. $8000.00. Submitted 4/15/2017 (7/1/2017 - 7/1/2019). This New Faculty Research Grant funding will support two specific activities: (1) expanding the applications of the existing robotics laboratory at The School of Architecture, Design and Planning (SADP), and (2) assembling external funding proposals that leverage this technology for research in the area of high-performance passive architectural systems. Passive architectural systems are those materials and geometries that capitalize on natural bioclimatic factors without the need for operational energy input. High-performance versions utilize embedded material and geometry effects to amplify the beneficial returns of passive systems. These architectural envelope and landscape systems may be used to conserve energy or as natural habitats to increase biodiversity in urban areas, the latter of which is often referred to as “Win-Win Ecology.” Computer numeric control fabrication techniques can be highly optimized to increase the return on investments of these technologies, and by expanding the use of this technology at SADP make it an attractive for potential students, funding agencies and industrial collaborators.. University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
Integrated Arts Research Initiative - Faculty Fellow. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation / Spencer Museum of Art. Submitted 11/4/2017 (1/1/2018 - 5/11/2018). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
ADaPT: Adaptation Design and Planning Tool for Urban Areas in the Coastal Zone. Florida Sea Grant. $186874.00. Submitted 3/1/2015 (12/31/2018). Federal. Status: Funded
BioMOP: Bioremediative Mangrove Oyster Project. Weston's WannaB Inn, Englewood, FL. $14250.00. Submitted 10/1/2012 (12/31/2016). Private. Status: Funded
Development and Hydrodynamic Characterization of an Engineered-Mangrove Wave Damping System. $33000.00. Submitted 1/1/2014 (12/31/2016). Other University. Status: Funded
Reinforced Mangrove Protective Infrastructure. Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction. $25000.00. Submitted 10/1/2011 (12/31/2011). Foundation. Status: Funded